Our Profile

NVG Group is a noted real estate agent that is engaged in offering different types of services such as property renovation, property buying, property selling, and property renting. In addition, we also provide proper accommodation to the paying guests. We have with us a team of trusted professionals that includes real estate agent, real estate contractor, architect & interior designer, vastu consultant, and property legal consultant. We provide our services for farm lands, commercial, residential, and industrial lands. Property owners and seekers can trust our services as we are highly professional and keep ourselves updated as per the latest market changes. NVG Group is owned by Gopi. The company is located in Hosur (Tamil Nadu, India) and started its business operations in the year 2018. The organization is flourishing under the expert guidance of the experienced mentors. We have a team of professionals with us that works in complete coordination with the property owners. We cater to diverse industries such as: Residential
  • Residential land/plot
  • Individual house
  • Farm house
  • Commercial land
  • Industrial land/plot
  • Warehouse/godown
  • Factory/industries
  • Farm land
  • Agricultural land
So, kindly contact us to obtain our services at very affordable charges. We are always at your service meeting all your requirements.


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